Monday, April 19, 2010

GRIZZLY MAN (Documentary) (2005)

Based on true facts of human ecstasy and its darkest truth, ‘Grizzly Man’ is well documented physical and personal journey of a man named Timothy Treadwell who challenging and violated Governmental boundary and treaded into the Alaskan peninsula for 13 summers to live and study grizzly bears. Both Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend paid the natural prize to interfere into the natural wild world of Alaska’s grizzly bears. Both of them were severely decapitated into bits and pieces by these wild beasts. Although it’s a personal documentary; the great reason to watch this documentary is its narrator & director Werner Herzog.

The film is combination of Treadwell’s personal camera footage and Herzog’s intense interviewing sessions with his near and dear ones post Treadwell’s death. Treadwell was sentimental, agnostic man filled with contempt for civilized world unconcerned about the other natural world where civilization is still a remote concept. He believed that he was more needed there to protect these animals and aware the public. Here’s a man who crossed the invisible line which separates human from animal in his zeal and passionate love for bears.

However Herzog differs with Timothy’s concept of harmonious natural balance and stated that the common denominator of the universe is not harmony but chaos, hostility and murder. The territory of savage is different from civilized one and both are hostile intruder in each other’s territory. Treadwell was a crazy man who challenged this natural set up and treaded in prohibited region without even a single weapon. For world he’s insane man guided by his instinct but Herzog’s deeper analysis and Treadwell’s some of the personal footage make us feel Treadwell’s internal passion. For him its transcendental and quite out worldly experience. It’s difficult for us to grasp Treadwell’s madness. As he claimed in one of his footage that he’s an outsider for whom life and death doesn’t mean much than this experience.

It’s something beyond normal…an experience to feel.

Ratings- 8.5/10

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